
Embeded notification

We were needed some kind of notify message for user without any pop-up or an alerts.

function CreateRequestObject() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
try {
return new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e) { }
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
try {
return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
} catch (e) {
try {
return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
} catch (e) { }
return null;

function RetrieveEntity(sEntityName, GUID, sAttributeNames) {
var attributes = "";
if (sAttributeNames.length == 0)
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < sAttributeNames.length; i++) {
attributes += "" + sAttributeNames[i] + "";
var soapBody = "" +
"" +
"" + sEntityName + "" +
"" + GUID + "" +
"" +
"" + attributes + "" +
" +
" +
var soapXml = " "xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' " +
"xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' " +
soapXml += GenerateAuthenticationHeader();
soapXml += soapBody;
soapXml += "

xmlhttp = CreateRequestObject();
xmlhttp.open("POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx", false);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices/Retrieve");
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", soapXml.length);

// Capture the result.
var resultXml = xmlhttp.responseXML;
// Check for errors.
var errorCount = resultXml.selectNodes('//error').length;
if (errorCount != 0) {
var msg = resultXml.selectSingleNode('//description').nodeTypedValue;
return null;
// Display the retrieved value.
else {
var retEntityValues = new Array();
var retrieveNodes = resultXml.selectNodes("soap:Envelope/soap:Body/RetrieveResponse/RetrieveResult/q1:*");
for (var i = 0; i < retrieveNodes.length; i++) {
var nodeName = retrieveNodes[0].baseName;
var nodeValue = retrieveNodes[0].nodeTypedValue;
retEntityValues[nodeName] = nodeValue;
return retEntityValues

function AddNotification(noticationId, text) {
if (crmForm.all.Notifications.all[noticationId] != null)
crmForm.all.Notifications.all[noticationId + '_text'].innerHTML = text;
else {
crmForm.all.Notifications.innerHTML += '
' + text + '
crmForm.all.Notifications.style.display = 'block';

function RemoveNotification(noticationId) {
if (crmForm.all.Notifications.all[noticationId] != null) {
if (crmForm.all.Notifications.childNodes.length == 0)
crmForm.all.Notifications.style.display = 'none';

var customer = crmForm.all.customerid;
if (customer.DataValue != null && customer.DataValue[0].typename == 'account') {
var cs = new Array();
cs[0] = 'new_attention';
var acc = RetrieveEntity('account', customer.DataValue[0].id, cs);
if (acc != null && acc['new_attention'] == 1) {
AddNotification('NotificationAccount', 'Клиент требует внимания! Для более подробной информации перейдите в карточку клиента.');
crmForm.all.customerid_d.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0].style.color = 'Red';
else {
else {


Get contact status in custom extended marketing list

declare @contactid uniqueidentifier
declare @campaignactivityid uniqueidentifier
-- some Guids
set @contactid='48CF39EE-AA8C-DE11-A526-000C2989FA53'
set @campaignactivityid='72CE8156-AD8C-DE11-A526-000C2989FA53'

select exL.New_ExtMarketingListsElementId, exL.New_contactStatus
from dbo.New_ExtMarketingListsElementExtensionBase exL
JOIN dbo.ContactBase cnt ON exL.new_contact=cnt.ContactId
JOIN dbo.ListBase lst ON exL.new_list=lst.ListId
JOIN dbo.CampaignActivityItemBase cai ON lst.ListId=cai.ItemId
where cnt.ContactId=@contactid
and cai.CampaignActivityId=@campaignactivityid

How to get Marketing Lists by Campaign Activity Id

declare @campaignactivityid uniqueidentifier
-- an example GUID
set @campaignactivityid='72CE8156-AD8C-DE11-A526-000C2989FA53'

-- связь между маркетинговым списком и кампанией осуществляется через промежуточную таблицу CampaignActivityItemBase
select *
from dbo.CampaignActivityItemBase cai
JOIN dbo.ListBase lb ON lb.ListId=cai.ItemId
where cai.CampaignActivityId=@campaignactivityid


Remove 'Add Existing...' button from associated view entities form

I was found this code at Dave Hawes blog — http://blog.davehawes.com/post/2008/04/23/MSCRM-4-Remove-Add-Existing-xxxxx-button.aspx
This code should be added to onLoad event for the form of the entity where you want to hide buttons for the associated views of other entities.

HideAssociatedViewButtons('new_account_new_accountclassificate', ['Добавить к этой записи существующий объект Классификация организации']);

function HideAssociatedViewButtons(loadAreaId, buttonTitles){
var navElement = document.getElementById('nav_' + loadAreaId);
if (navElement != null) {
navElement.onclick = function LoadAreaOverride() {
HideViewButtons(document.getElementById(loadAreaId + 'Frame'), buttonTitles);

function HideViewButtons(Iframe, buttonTitles) {
if (Iframe != null ) {
Iframe.onreadystatechange = function HideTitledButtons() {
if (Iframe.readyState == 'complete') {
var iFrame = frames[window.event.srcElement.id];
var liElements = iFrame.document.getElementsByTagName('li');

for (var j = 0; j < buttonTitles.length; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < liElements.length; i++) {
if (liElements[i].getAttribute('title') == buttonTitles[j]) {
liElements[i].style.display = 'none';

Publishing it here for memory.


How to get a PhoneCallId

ActivityPartyBase.PartyId AS ContactId,
ActivityPartyBase.ActivityId AS PhoneCallId

INNER JOIN ActivityPointerBase

ON (ActivityPointerBase.RegardingObjectId = CampaignActivityBase.ActivityId)AND (ActivityPointerBase.DeletionStateCode = 0)


ON ((PhoneCall.ActivityId = ActivityPointerBase.ActivityId) AND (ActivityPointerBase.StateCode = 0) AND (PhoneCall.DeletionStateCode = 0))

INNER JOIN ActivityPartyBase

ON ((PhoneCall.ActivityId = ActivityPartyBase.ActivityId) AND (PartyObjectTypeCode = 2))

INNER JOIN ContactBase

ON (ContactBase.ContactId = ActivityPartyBase.PartyId) AND (ContactBase.DeletionStateCode = 0)

(CampaignActivityBase.ActivityId = @CampaignActivityId)