
TFS 2010 SharePoint Project Portal 403 Forbidden

When you try to open or create the workitem through the project portal you'll get an 403 forbidden error. This is because you have not enough privileges to the folder Inetpub\wwwroot\bin at the TFS server machine.

Just set the next rights to the all domain users.
From IT Blog Posts

Via http://www.cnblogs.com/patrick/archive/2010/04/30/1725167.html


How to hide a section or field by picklist value

That code snippet will hides a section by name(label) or by label of any field wich is in this section.
 var oField = crmForm.all.new_1;
 // field to hide
 var FieldToHide;
 if(document.getElementById("IDENT") != null)
  FieldToHide = document.getElementById("IDENT");
  FieldToHide.style.display = "block";  
 // section to hide
 var td = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
 var tableH;
 for(var i=0; i<td.length; i++)
  // enter the correct section name
  if(td[i].innerText == "Section name")
   tableH = td[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
   tableH.style.display = "block";
 // here set the needed picklist value
 if(oField.DataValue == 1)
  // field to hide
  if(FieldToHide != null)
   FieldToHide.style.display = "none";  
 if(oField.DataValue == 3)
  // section to hide
  if(tableH != null)
   tableH.style.display = "none";




To add a tooltip at some field on form, jast add next snippet with your changes to form On Load

var ele = document.getElementById("firstname_c");
ele.title = "Name Name Name!";


Get the localized names of all entities

select  ObjectTypeCode, Name, LogicalName, l.Label
from MetadataSchema.Entity e left join
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l on e.EntityId=l.ObjectId
where l.ObjectColumnName='LocalizedName'
 and l.CustomizationLevel=1


select  ObjectTypeCode, Name, LogicalName, l.Label
from MetadataSchema.Entity e left join
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l on e.EntityId=l.ObjectId
where l.ObjectColumnName='LocalizedName'
 and l.CustomizationLevel=0 
 and ObjectTypeCode not in 
  ( select  ObjectTypeCode
   from MetadataSchema.Entity e left join
   MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l on e.EntityId=l.ObjectId
   where l.ObjectColumnName='LocalizedName'
    and l.CustomizationLevel=1

Get the params of all localized attributes and all picklist values

 e.Name as EntityName
 ,l.Label as 'Наименование атрибута', a.LogicalName ,at.Description as 'Тип атрибута' ,a.AttributeLogicalTypeId
 ,apv.Value as 'Значения пиклиста', lp.Label as 'Наименования пиклиста'
 [NaviconGroup_MSCRM].[MetadataSchema].[Attribute] a
 join MetadataSchema.Entity e on e.EntityId=a.EntityId
 join MetadataSchema.AttributeTypes at on at.AttributeTypeId=a.AttributeTypeId
 join MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l on l.ObjectId=a.AttributeId and l.ObjectColumnName='DisplayName'
 left join MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue apv on apv.AttributeId=a.AttributeId
 left join MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel lp on lp.ObjectId=apv.AttributePicklistValueId
order by EntityName, l.Label, at.Description,apv.Value


Get Picklist Value By Picklist Name

I wrote some method to get picklist value by knowing picklist name.

namespace test
    public class CrmServiceProvider

  private WebMetadataService.MetadataService _MetaService = null;
  ///* Create a MetadataService end point */
        private WebMetadataService.MetadataService MetaService
                if (_MetaService == null)
                    _MetaService = new WebMetadataService.MetadataService();
                    _MetaService.Url = "http://localhost/mscrmservices/2007/metadataservice.asmx";

                    // Use a special user credentials
     NetworkCredential cred = new NetworkCredential();
                    cred.Domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Domain"];
                    cred.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"];
                    cred.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PassWord"];

                    _MetaService.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                    _MetaService.Credentials = cred;

                    _MetaService.UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing = true;

                    WebMetadataService.CrmAuthenticationToken token = new WebMetadataService.CrmAuthenticationToken();
                    token.AuthenticationType = 0;
                    token.OrganizationName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Organization"];

                    _MetaService.CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = token;
                return _MetaService;

  public int GetPicklistValueByPicklistName(string PicklistName, string EntityLogicalName, string LogicalName)
   int retval = -1;
   /* Retrieve the attribute metadata */
   WebMetadataService.RetrieveAttributeRequest attributeRequest = new WebMetadataService.RetrieveAttributeRequest();
   attributeRequest.EntityLogicalName = EntityLogicalName;
   attributeRequest.LogicalName = LogicalName; //picklist

   WebMetadataService.RetrieveAttributeResponse attributeResponse =

   /* Cast the attribute metadata to a picklist metadata */
   WebMetadataService.PicklistAttributeMetadata picklist =

   foreach (WebMetadataService.Option op in picklist.Options)
    if (op.Label.UserLocLabel.Label == PicklistName)
     retval = op.Value.Value;

   return retval;

To call this method use the next construction:
int psv = GetPicklistValueByPaymentSystemName(categorycode, "account", "accountcategorycode");
if (psv > 0)
 acc.accountcategorycode = new Picklist();
 acc.accountcategorycode.Value = psv;